No Filter

Osher Gunsberg



Osher Gunsberg is a man who has completely rebuilt himself. As Andrew G, he was best known for his hosting role on Channel V and the smash hit TV show, Australian Idol. A charming, extroverted, fun guy. But off camera, he was a introvert so riddled with anxiety he couldn't face any social events without the safety of booze.  Until one day, he met a guy in Tel Aviv who told him if he changed his name it would change his  life. And it did. Now you might know him as Osher Gunsberg, the nice guy host of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, or host of his own podcast, The Osher Gunsberg podcast. A teetotaller vegetarian, he’s a man who has completely reinvented himself. So how did he get there? And what’s next? Show notes Thanks for listening to No Filter. Thankyou to Osher Gunsberg. Subscribe in itunes for more stories behind the facade of public faces. This show is hosted by Mia Freedman and produced by Monique Bowley and Eliza Ratliff for the Mamamia Podcast Network. You can find out more about all ou