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Rachel Griffiths Is Reclaiming ‘Like A Girl’



Rachel Griffiths has been telling stories for the past 25 years of her life.  Whether it’s through movies like Muriel’s Wedding or TV shows like Six Feet Under or Brothers and Sisters - each of which she starred in for years, she’s built her career out of playing interesting characters. But now, she’s decided to create interesting characters.  You see Rachel was at a BBQ on Melbourne Cup day in 2015 when a lightning bolt of an idea hit her. She was watching the race surrounded by her friends, when the race caller said the words Michelle Payne.  What happened next went down in history. Michelle Payne became the first ever female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup. And Rachel knew in that moment that she had to turn it into a film. Four years later she's done just that and she joins Mia to talk about it.  Click here to subscribe to No Filter. CREDITS: Host: Mia Freedman  With thanks to special guest Rachel Griffiths. Head to your local cinema to see Ride Like A Girl and support this great Aussie movie.