Step Into Your Greatness - Mindfulness/meditation

Episode 34 - Discovering the art of awareness Part 1



“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” Thich Nhat Hanh In this episode of SIYG, I discuss: The first step in discovering the art of awareness How the first stage of awareness creates a huge opportunity for growth and transformation The difference between self awareness and awareness How to take mindful moments during our day to begin the process of awareness Ways to start implementing stage 1 of a awareness practice Discover ways to make gratitude a moment to moment habit Why gratitude is the mother of all emotions Taking that first step into awareness can be one of the most liberating steps we take in our lives   ​​ Cultivating your awareness skills is a practice. Like gratitude, kindness and compassion it is simply a skill. In this episode I dissect and explain the first stage of awareness to help you see the first stage of mindfulness training. When we first begin to meditate and implement mindfulness we learn how to step back from our th