

My biggest passion in life has been pursuing my potential, and also seeing potential in others and helping them to recognize it for themselves and do something about it!And hence why the idea for a podcast show called UNTAPPED leapt into my mind in late December and simply wouldn’t let me go until I did something about it.I’m so curious about how to develop more potential, how do we live up to our potential and go beyond it.What even IS potential? Are there different types of it? Who are the foremost experts in human potential, in personal development and what can you and I learn from them?Then how can we apply this across all the areas of our lives that matter - relationships, health, wealth, career, personal growth, spirituality and contribution?I figure I may not be able to become the best in the world, but I can become the best version of myself.I feel like I’ve given this a great shot over the years, like in 2004 when I took myself on a 10 month journey to understand the weird world of body-sculpting and