Beards & Bitcoins

Bitcoin Halloween Surprise



Episode 113: Bitcoin Halloween Surprise This is a scary week—the most nightmarish scenario in all aspects. As the election draws near, we talk about the pandemic, the things that we need to do to prevent ourselves from contracting COVID-19, and the 2020 US National Elections. We also discuss our Halloween costumes (guess what are we going to be!), our plans for the holiday, and our favorite Halloween candies. Towards the end of this episode, we talk about the price pump of Bitcoin and its direct relation to the one who will win the elections. This episode is sponsored by Monarch Wallet. Rule your own financial kingdom from the palm of your hand. A team at Monarch is working hard to bring you the one app to access all the best crypto services. They believe in delivering tech, not hype. With the universal decentralized Monarch Wallet, you can buy, store, spend, and earn crypto and with Monarch Pay you can set up and accept recurring crypto payments. Monarch Wallet and Monarch Pay are designed to make receiving