Beyond Birth

Ep 010 Intuitive Eating Through Pregnancy



Pregnancy can make your body feel foreign, and you’re now having to think of things you may have not paid much attention to previously. It adds a layer of stress and complication. Intuitive eating becomes really tricky, because we have to shed this maiden mindset and trust in our body’s wisdom to know what it needs. As a society we are taught to muffle or quiet hunger cues or cravings, associating foods with good or bad and that screws us during pregnancy when it’s especially important to be in tune with our body.  We get caught up in the shoulds. How we should eat, how we should feel, how much weight we should gain. We say F the should!  IN THIS EPISODE Checking In and a new sponsor! Brandless 12:40 … Intuitive Eating Through Pregnancy 13:00 … What is Intuitive Eating? 15:54 … Effects of dieting. 19:05 … Nutritional cravings. 21:35 … Weight changes by trimester. 26:35 … Starting out with extra weight. 34:30 … Debunking eating for two. 36:45 … Fluctuating hunger cues. 39:25 … First trimester aversio