Beyond Birth

Ep. 25 Adventuring Outside with the Kids



What your favorite way to play outside with your kids?  In today's episode Jenny and Liz discuss the benefits of outdoor play, how we learn from our kids and ways to make unstructured outside time more approachable.  Highlights from this Episode: Liz's Camping Adventure (aka... Glamping)  Why are our children always naked?  Love for the Free Forest School, a volunteer run outdoor exploration program for parents and kiddos that encourages kids to lead the way.  Benefits of outdoor play including: social skills, Independent learning and boosted creativity.  Unstructured play and letting go of expectations On average children spend 4-7minutes a day outdoors in unstructured play, and 7hrs in front of a screen. Removing hurdles to getting outside Buy Nothing Groups are gold yo! Outdoor play doesn't to be a big hike or elaborate camping trip. It can be a simple, unstructured time.  FOR MORE FROM LIZ & JENNY Hosted by: Liz Winters & Jenny Anderson Find us: