Beyond Birth

Ep. 54 Uncomfortable, yet necessary, conversations



From postpartum sex to racism to pandemic privilege, Jenny and Liz cover it all. May this episode meet you in a place of growth, reflection, and hope. We continue to find ourselves in trying times, witnessing the pain of those around us and connecting with them on a personal level while physically being quarantined in our homes. In opening ourselves up to the experience of others, many of us have found ourselves guilty of behaviors and prejudices we most deeply feared. Join us in a discussion of our own personal shortcomings as we reach to expand who our teachers are and how we learn. This is also a place of zero judgement and zero shame. We are freeing ourselves from a “cancel culture” attitude and instead welcoming mistakes, change, and the stages of learning. Forgive yourself and embrace the journey within you. Oh, and allow us to mention it again - we start the episode with a musical breakdown and an unplanned discussion of postpartum sex! Mentioned in this episode: Emmanuel Acho, Uncomfortable Conversati