Beyond Birth

Ep. 57 The End of One Chapter and the Start of Another



Jenny is saying goodbye (for now). This is my (hi, Jenny here) last Beyond Birth episode (aka last hurrah). "I am the captain of my soul" (Invictus, William Ernest Henley), but I am also allowing myself to change my charted course.  Due in part to life changes during COVID-19 and in part due to my family needs, I am converting my role as a doula into a pro-bono, volunteer passion and pouring myself back into the wine world (see what I did there?).  Future of the podcast-- it's sticking around! Liz will be revamping the format and bringing in a new, as yet unannounced (but I know and she's awesome) host. This has been so wonderful for me to be a part of and I will miss it terribly in so many ways. Thank you for holding space for me to learn, grow, vent, and share. All the love to all of you! And if you need wine ... come say hi and I will set you up! Mention this podcast for a discount! @birdiewineco FOR MORE FROM LIZ & JENNY Hosted by: Liz Winters & Jenny Anderson Find u