Beyond Birth

Ep. 70 Pullin' out the pelvis with Dr. Laurel Proulx



Did you know there is a direct connection between emotions and pelvic floor? A stressful experience can affect the function of the pelvis, create discomfort, and even lead to chronic pain. Today Liz and Sharon have an epic conversation with Dr. Laurel Proulx of FEM Unfolding about the correlation between pelvic floor dysfunction and emotions, identity loss & helplessness that come with chronic pain, what a pelvic health physical therapist is and how to find one, what to look for in a pelvic health PT as a sexual trauma survivor, exercise options and THE best exercise to do for the pelvic floor. Also cinnamon rolls. More about Dr. Laurel Proulx Laurel is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, an Orthopedic Certified Specialist and a PhD candidate studying pelvic pain. She is the creator of Postpartum Connect, a program to help new parents connect the dots from birth to running & jumping, including the first poop to returning to sex and everything inbetween. Lucky you! Right now you can grab Postpartum Connect a