Faith Works Summer Devotions

James, Galatians. 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Corinthians | November 11, 2020



Background of the Book of JAMES: 1. Who: James, the Lord’s brother. Four men are named James in the NT: James, the father of Judas (not Iscariot); James, son of Alphaeus, called “James the less” and one of the disciples”; James, son of Zebedee and brother of John, one of Jesus’ intimate disciples but martyred around AD 44 (Acts 12:2); and James the Lord’s brother, the most likely to have written the epistle. He was among the believers awaiting the Spirit at Pentecost and a central figure in the Acts 15 Jerusalem Council. 2. When: James may have been the earliest writing in the New Testament, probably in 46-49 AD, especially since it does not mention anything of the Jerusalem Council of 49 AD 3. Whom: “The twelve tribes scattered abroad”, so Hebrew Christians scattered outside of Palestine, and expressions in the letter fit an originally Jewish leadership. 4. What: The characteristics of true faith. The purpose of the work is practical rather than doctrinal or apologetic as James challenges the believers to ex