Boardrooms' Best

Navigating the Pot Holes.



Host: Nancy May, President and CEO, BoardBench CompaniesGuest: Jim Estill, CEO, Danby Appliances, and director emeritus Research in Motion/Blackberry, and multi-board director of public and private companies. In this episode my guest, Jim Estill and I discuss how innovators can successfully utilize their talents in the boardroom. You’ll learn the differences among directors who lead, who advise, and who direct, and when to correctly apply each skill at key moments in a company’s history. You’ll also hear when and how good boards provide value and when others become ball and chains. Jim has led good companies over some incredibly bumpy roads, and also known when was the right time to get out of the way. Knowing how to do this well is a talent that few have perfected. Jim Estill and I cover these points and a lot of other ground in this next show. Our conversation should give you new insights into the early warning signs about when directors may be losing their edge.Jim Estill is C