JustUs Geeks Podcast - Geek and Pop Culture News and Reviews

Episode 218: X-men Apocalypse



The apocalypse is finally here, and this week’s episode features our review of X-Men Apocalypse, spoilers and all.      Before we go any farther, would you consider leaving us a review on our iTunes page? All you have to do is click this sentence, and review away! In this week’s episode the Geeks trek off to review X-Men Apocalypse, and yes, there are spoilers. Honestly, do yourself a favor and just listen to this episode instead of going to the movie. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Send us the money you’d spend on this “movie” instead! Alright, don’t do that, but take […] The post Episode 218: X-Men Apocalypse appeared first on JustUs Geeks.