JustUs Geeks Podcast - Geek and Pop Culture News and Reviews

Episode 232: JUG 2.0 Turns 100



It’s a milestone episode of sorts, as JUG 2.0 marks 100 episodes of podcasting. Friends old and new, our corndog, and Harambe help us take a look at the past, and ahead to the future.      Before we go any farther, would you consider leaving us a review on our iTunes page? All you have to do is click this sentence, and review away! No, seriously, go leave us a review on iTunes. It helps people find the show! Celebrations are in order this week as JUG 2.0, the “new” cast of the JustUs Geeks Podcast, turns 100 episodes old. Well, […] The post Episode 232: JUG 2.0 Turns 100 appeared first on JustUs Geeks.