Pedia Pain Focus

Disparities in Pediatric Pain Care



This episode delves into various factors that contribute to disparities in pediatric pain medicine. Discover: Differences in pain care practices between developed and developing countries Differences in pain experiences of racial minority patients Factors contributing to disparities in pediatric pain System level drivers of differences in pain experiences Why asking parents to advocate for their children's pain may not be an effective approach to better pain care (Hint: It has much to do with assumptions, instead we need to ask better questions) What their research findings reveal about disparities around pain assessment and treatment practices among racially diverse patients What pediatric populations are particularly at risk for under-treatment of pain  Patients and family, clinician and institutional level measures to address disparities Why the concept of "Equal Care" is flawed when it comes to pain care disparities (Hint: Think equitable care!) Dynamics of personalized medicine and disparities in pain ca