Pedia Pain Focus

Spinal Analgesia for Babies: What's All That Fuss About?



Dr Whitaker is a pediatric anesthesiologist at the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Neurological Sciences, & Pediatrics at The University of Vermont College of Medicine. His clinical interests lie in the anesthetic care of neonates and in spinal anesthesia for neonates, infants, and children. His research is focused on developing optimal anesthesia care for neonates and infants and his current research interests include developing novel ways to monitor pediatric regional anesthesia.  Today he shares how he got started with this practice, the groundwork established by his mentors, and the recent findings and developments in this field. We also talk about the general reception of spinal analgesia from parents, doctors, and other stakeholders.  This episode is very practical and eye opening. If you're being asked about it or are thinking of how to start incorporating spinal analgesia in your clinical practice or you’re still on the fence, this episode is