Know Pain, Know Gain

112: How Nature Can Help You Beat Stress & Trauma (See Visible Results!) with Connor Moriarty



“Nature heals and is able to overcome these devastating events, and we are a part of nature- we have that same capability! And while it's hard to feel when we're completely overwhelmed with the intensity and the violence of it all, that is when we need most to calm ourselves, get outside as much as possible, and reconnect with what matters.” -Connor Moriarty    Nature is such an inspiring wonder! And today, I am pleased to converse with a fellow advocate for outdoor healing: the Founder of  Reset Outdoors, Connor Moriarty. With all that’s happening now, I became more passionate about the need for clarity and tranquility as I do with every JayWalking Session. Before the pandemic hits, the world remained and continued with its usual business, and we, as citizens of it, have never realized how much we’re wearing ourselves out to a shadow. Today’s discussion is well in its season as we face harder times along with all the stresses and traumas going on. Connor explains how burnout is slowly devouring us and how to