Know Pain, Know Gain

114: Success or Fulfillment? Don’t Choose; Have Both! with Jesse Brisendine



“Your world is full of everyone else trying to be someone else.  Just be you. Don't be afraid to magnify that piece of you that's uniquely you because it can take you to some incredibly extraordinary places.” -Jesse Brisendine   We have another incredible guest this week: Jesse Brisendine, host of A Handful of Hope Podcast and creator of Zero Limits Coaching. Jesse helps his clients weave together success and fulfillment, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. Maybe you still remember when you were in school analyzing The Great Gatsby or memorizing all the tricky math equations. After spending all those years, it’s funny how we barely remember anything at all. What’s not laughable is, how after graduation, we have to throw those concepts away and start learning how life works. Now, the hard work of unlearning some of the things we were programmed to believe and discovering who we are and what we want begins.    In this episode, we learn how to avoid default drift patterns and empower ourselves. Je