Awake 2 Oneness Radio

A World in Quantum Ascension with Marie & Yolanda Marie



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with two channels, Marie Mohler and Yolanda Marie on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was prerecorded. Marie is an author, artist, scribe, channel, and creative spirit. In ancient cultures, scribes were often specially trained and learned people who served as record keepers, copiers of manuscripts (especially before the invention of printers), editors, and jurists. The word “scribe” comes from the latin word “scriba,” that described a person who was a public notary or clerk of the ancient Roman government.   Yolanda Marie is here to help others to expand spiritually. She is what can be called a Blue Ray Arcturian Channel. She has integrated with four of her Higher Selves and consciously connected to many etheric Guides. Yolanda Marie has a direct conscious connection with my 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council family for the purpose of bringing in and teaching information which will elevate us to our next level of consciousness and evolution.  To learn more about