Mastering Your Law Practice: Law Practice Management, Law Firm Marketing, Rainmaking, Attorney Lifestyle

Do More Of What You Love, Less of What You Don't



I'm Attorney Thom Goolsby and welcome to mastering law. The podcast for attorneys to help you master the business of practicing law. Transformation: Revolutionize and energize your work life by determining what you enjoy doing and stopping or farming out what you don't like to do. 1. Analyze your practice A.What do you like (what we are good at doing) and why? B. What do you dislike and why? C. Why aren't you doing more of what you like and less of what you dislike? Ex: accounting, limited practice 2. How did you get here? A. Experience? B. Fell into it? C. Lazy/no plan/lack of training/scared? 3. Transformation A. Recognize/image what you want -- if you don't write it down, it's not real. B. Commit to stop doing what you hate UNLESS it's because you lack skill/afraid/lazy C. Gain skills/find mentor/study & get the knowledge/hire help. Call to action: Create a plan to do what you love and cut out the things you do not. You will find your days more productive and enjoyable, plus the money will come much