And Yet

Popular Isolation with Karlee Fain



When was the last time you felt truly rested and ready to tackle the day ahead? In today’s demanding culture, “business” has turned into “busyness.” Most of the time, people are so busy—doing everything from just trying to make ends meet, run their businesses, please their bosses—that it seems impossible to find authentic connection.Many people today suffer from this loss of connection or have even contrived a false sense of connection. Karlee Fain calls this phenomenon “popular isolation.”Karlee Fain is actually the sister of one of our hosts: Kelsey. Karlee is a celebrity health and life coach, author, and public speaker. She is known for being the most rested person in any room that she walks into. Karlee understands what it takes to be well rested, which includes combating the catalyst for popular isolation. Get ready to learn more about the universal symptoms of popular isolation, how to combat them, and how to take steps toward a life of self-nourishment. Some Questions I Ask: ·    &