And Yet

Menstrual Mindfulness with Lara Briden



Did you know that 80-90% of female-bodied individuals suffer from PMS?Did you know that actually suffering from PMS isn’t how life needs to be for those who experience periods?This episode of And Yet Podcast is about empowering women and female-bodied people to use their menstrual cycle as an asset rather than a hindrance on their quality of life. Lara Briden is here to share some of her wisdom and experience with helping her patients progress from accepting period discomfort as a normal life experience to helping them mostly—if not completely—eradicate all PMS symptoms.Lara Briden is a naturopathic doctor with over 20 years of experience. Her mission is to have easy, symptomless periods, and join the worldwide period revolution. Her book Period Repair Manual outlines practical solutions to improving PMS and all unpleasant symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.Right now, conventional medicine tends to brush off many period problems, telling patients that it’s “normal.” Lara Briden, however, says menstrual h