And Yet

We Believe You Even If Your Doctor Didn’t with Angela Allen



Is your doctor listening to you? Actually listening? In today’s world of medicine, many patients aren’t being heard. In fact, many are being completely dismissed, invalidated, and sometimes even insulted. Especially when it comes to women’s health, doctors sometimes don’t take women seriously. The doctor-patient dynamic here has damaged people, even to the point of causing diseases to get worse. This is Angela Allen’s experience. Angela is a psychiatric ER nurse based out of North Carolina. So far in her life, she’s had quite the battle with endometriosis. She’s had over five surgeries and a multitude of doctors totally reject her plea for help, treatment, and care. Even as a nurse, she, too, has struggled with the cold doctor-patient power dynamic. Today, we talk about our overall experiences with endometriosis. The three of us each take turns telling stories about our surgeries, treatments, total rejections by doctors, and the trauma that is associated with this cycle as a result. Angela specifically talks