Bible Streams

To The Ends of the Earth: Acts 1 - Introduction



The Book of Acts: for some, a handbook on church planting and mission movements; for others, a record of a time of church growth that is past and gone. But there are timely lessons and important examples for us in Acts in this time of global unrest. To understand this book deeply, Scott and Jo begin our new series on the Book of Acts with this introduction episode. Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Bible Streams:Book: The Book of Acts : A Commentary by C. Peter WagnerBook: ESV Expository Commentary: John - ActsWebsite: The Bible Prject: ActsBible Text: ESV Online: ActsThanks to Tim Whittle for post-production on this episode.Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram. Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Android and Spotify.