The Nick Margerrison Podcast

0022 RADIO SHOW | Phone in - what's going on?



The mask debate, confused, I am, thoughts? As it wears on I've found my opinion has bounced around. There are a number of factors rubbing up against each other. Let's kick off with the most controversial: "Bill Gates: I met with Jeffrey Epstein because ‘he knows a lot of rich people’": "Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past" To me the above is quite an incredible news story. It proves nothing beyond what is written above but it's weird isn't it? They're all part of a network of people who are happy to chill with a guy who sells kids because money and because power. Here's the Bloomberg Opinion piece we link to: This comes towards the end of the podcast... scary times. The music in this piece is provided by Mike Richmond, here: