Alpha Exchange

Nancy Davis, Founder, Quadratic Capital



Nancy Davis, founder of Quadratic Capital, has spent her entire career trading options of all shapes and sizes and across all of the asset classes. She’s traded them listed, OTC, vanilla and complex in rates, FX, commodities, credit and equities. Over the course of nearly 20 years, Nancy has developed important perspective on risk cycles, trading through the dotcom era, the GFC, the 2011 sovereign crisis, the 2016 Brexit referendum and, more recently, the VIX unwind event of early 2018. Over these risk episodes and the quiet periods in between them, Nancy has developed a philosophy on utilizing optionality as a core vehicle to implement long or short directional exposure. Our conversation explores the fundamental question – “are options a good deal or not?” in light of the demonstrated premium of implied to realized volatility over time set against the numerous options blow-ups that have occurred in markets. As a prominent woman in the derivatives space, I also seek Nancy’s views on the state of female repres