Kevin Whitsitt

Competitive Niche Keyword Ideas – 3 Easy Steps!



Click on the link below to discover my #1 tip to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?   The promo code for vidiq is = maytheviewsbewithyou    Hello, today I want to talk about how to find competitive niche keyword ideas and give you 3 easy steps.   You can use these ideas for either vlog a video or they will work with blog.    This way you have an endless amount of ideas on how to create content. Plus, how to determine the competition and searches of these keywords.    The reason this is important is because you want low competition keywords, so you can get more views and thus more sales down the line.     Step 1 is to make a list of every single keyword that is attached to your niche. In this step you really have to brainstorm. For example, if your in the make money online niche, think of everything attached to making money online.   Some examples could be traffic, squeeze