Baseball & Beyond

Brother Love-80's WWF Bad Guy, aka Bruce Prichard, tells all! Flair, Hogan, Savage, Andre, McMahons



Brad Straubinger interview, talking with the man who was known as Brother Love in the WWF in the late 80's, We look back at his character, but Bruce, the man playing the red faced interviewer, was also one of Vince McMahon's right hand men from 1988-to-2008. He was part of the creative writing team, the tv production team, he's seen it all! He was there for Hulk v Macho Man, and describes why it was one of the great feuds of all time. We hear about Andre the Giant and his drinking habits. We get an insight how wrestling is written, and how Vince McMahon has the final say on every angle. Why did Hulk v Ric Flair never happen on the big stage? What happened to Bret Hart during 1997, which ultimately led to the "Montreal Screwjob"? Answers are all here. We talk Steve Austin, The Rock and even Roman Reigns and angles that can never be done in the WWE (there actually are some). Please give me a 5 rating and a good review! Maybe prizes coming your way??? And check out Bruce's podcast "Something To Wrestl