Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

Before. After. The Magical Messy Middle



A picture is worth a 1000 words. It’s true. The brain processes imagery at an exceptional speed. Advertisers, marketers, and people selling results know the power punch a single image can produce.  The overweight body to toned and thin. Single and alone to an embracing love. Money pains to money gains. A cluttered mess to a “Feng Shui success”. A small unspoken spirit to a dazzling out-spoken soul. The list goes on and on. It’s the classic storyline of the “before and after”. Pictures, phrases and desires plastered everywhere attempting to motivate, sell or inspire. We look at the “after” photos and think. Wow, aren’t they amazing? And yes, the transformational results are amazing! However, the real power started in the “before” picture with the brave soul who stepped forward. _Made a new choice.  __Took the first step. __ Broke the silence.  __Began the program. __ Declined the drink.  __Went to the gym. __ Had the hard conversation.  __Made the amends. __ Formed a commitment.  _Said yes. Said no. __ Made a