Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

46. Sura al-Ahqaf with Urdu Translation



Sura 46. al-Ahqaf (the Sand-dunes): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Ha-Mim. (Only Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) know the real meaning.) 2. The revelation of this Book is from Allah, Almighty, Most Wise. 3. And We have not created the heavens and the earth and (the Creation) that is between them but with wisdom and (fixing of) the appointed term. And those who have disbelieved turn away from what they have been warned of. 4. Say: ‘Tell me of the (idols) you worship instead of Allah; show me what they have created in the earth, or (bring it forth if) they have a partnership in (the creation of) the heavens. Bring me (as a proof) any Book (revealed) before this (Qur’an) or some remnant of knowledge (of the bygone people in transit down the line), if you are truthful.’ 5. And who can be more in error than someone who worships such (idols) apart from Allah as cannot answer (his question) till the Day of Resurrection? And those (idols) have no cons