Know Pain, Know Gain

111: The Quantum Physics You Need When Things Are Not Working Out- No Complex Science; Only Practical Applications! with Lenka Lutonska



 “We're designed to have desires only around things that we're meant to do… You just need to adjust your setting so you can experience it fully.”  -Lenka Lutonska   This week, we have Lenka Lutonska in the house, the Limitless Millionaire Mentor and author of Energetic Selling and Marketing. We all have times when, despite having done everything we can, things aren’t working out the way we want them to be. At times, we’re perplexed just thinking what went wrong or whether we are meant to do what we’re trying to accomplish. Today, Lenka offers a unique perspective on energetic alignment and how it alters our present. Her advice is actually based on Quantum Physics, which we can find practical applications for.  She also talks about how the “lack mentality” can get us in trouble, especially when working with a business partner, how to get into the higher thinking mode, and how to work energetically. On top of that, Lenka shares one exercise that can instantly empower the mind, the whopping distinction between