Africa Public Radio

21st Century Recruitment and The Legality of Social Media Background Check



Its the first episode of HR Wired brought to you by Africa Business Radio in collaboration with HR Pulse. We shine the spotlight on the most important aspect of business and that is the talent because a well-run hr department improves productivity and aids in maintaining the organizations brand image. It also plays a huge role in developing the organizations' strategy as well as how the employee-centered activities are handled. On this episode, we started with HR Updates presented by Sibo Guru. This week on Productivity vs profitability, we look The productivity puzzle; talking about what your business can do with an extra 31 hours of productive time each week? Less sweat, better outcomes, especially for small businesses. On HR Chat, we spoke to Farhad about Background checks and screening, what can potential employers do and what is against the law Summary: According to the CareerBuilder survey, most hiring managers are not specifically or actively looking for negative information on Become a supporter of