Nox Mente

Lauda Leon



Tonight's guest is Lauda Leon Lauda's focus is aiding the process of our spiritual integration via examining the complex dynamics of psychology, emotions, mind, body and spirit; towards increased comprehension of our current paradigm, upon all its levels and layers. She is an experiencer of many forms of anomalous operations and interference. She entered as an incarnate, with pre-birth consciousness memories, including "future time lines" and advance knowledge of "events to come". She has lived "in-between worlds", with comprehensions of the nature of this "cosmic battle", piercing through the veil of our worldly paradigm. As a result of such experiences, she has accessed Keys relating to the "game" being played within this reality. She applies those Keys towards furthering personal Sovereignty upon the "metaphysical" quantum levels and layers in unfolding. Links You can find her on YouTube here: