Nox Mente

Recurrence with Emily Moyer and Niish from Nox Mente



Recurrence with Emily Moyer and Niish from Nox Mente Emily and Niish dig deep into the strange entities and energies currently being sensed in the inner and outer realms. Support Nox Mente by subscribing on YouTube ( or to the podcast at Producer's note: Something that happens when I produce a show is, at times, a word or image will come up in the conversation that connects all the loose concepts to one unifier. Listening to Emily & Niish riff, the one word that came up was 'recurrence'. I thought: what does that mean? Turns out that recurrence is a mathematical term: ... a recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence or multidimensional array of values, once one or more initial terms are given: each further term of the sequence or array is defined as a function of the preceding terms. It also occurs that recurrence, in certain mathematical applications, also takes us in the Fibonacci sequence. As you, t