Nox Mente

Greg Newkirk



Tonight's guest is Greg Newkirk Greg Newkirk is a paranormal investigator, travel writer, and real-life monster hunter. In other words, he’s a professional weirdo. For the last two decades, Newkirk has been tracking down and investigating cases of the anomalous, the occult, and the just plain weird. In that time he’s tackled cases of encounters with mine-dwelling extraterrestrial “goblins”, witnessed the mysterious Brown Mountain Lights, drank questionable liquids with real vampires, and had books thrown at him by a poltergeist trapped in a church. When he’s not criss-crossing the country in search of monsters, mysteries, and magick, Greg can be found performing strange, often dangerous experiments in search of the truth. Whether he’s orchestrating successful alien abduction attempts, rappelling into sacred caves on spirit-quests, or summoning the spirits of the dead for a chat about the afterlife, Newkirk is regularly pushing the boundaries of paranormal investigation well beyond “ghost hunting”. You can fin