Nox Mente

Robert Guffey



Tonight's guest is Robert Guffey Robert is a lecturer in the Department of English at California State University - Long Beach. His latest book is UNTIL THE LAST DOG DIES (Night Shade/Skyhorse, 2017), a darkly satirical novel about a young stand-up comedian who must adapt as best he can to an apocalyptic virus that destroys only the humor centers of the brain. His previous books include the journalistic memoir CHAMELEO: A STRANGE BUT TRUE STORY OF INVISIBLE SPIES, HEROIN ADDICTION, AND HOMELAND SECURITY (OR Books, 2015), which Flavorwire has called, "By many miles, the weirdest and funniest book of 2015." A graduate of the famed Clarion Writers Workshop in Seattle, he has also written a collection of novellas entitled SPIES & SAUCERS (PS Publishing, 2014). His first book of nonfiction, CRYPTOSCATOLOGY: CONSPIRACY THEORY AS ART FORM was published in 2012. He's written stories and articles for numerous magazines and anthologies, among them The Believer, Black Dandy, Catastrophia, The Chiron Review