Nox Mente

Marina Jacobi



From a little girl Marina Jacobi had the ability to channel through automatic writing with loved ones from the other side and had vivid dreams that were becoming true. She developed the ability to truly connect with different guidance’s through her life.Later in life, after she moved to live permanently in the United States, she was connected with an E.T. race that called themselves Hybrids. The Hybrids taught Marina to telepathically connect and hear them with the new metaphysical teachings for the structure of the universe and the connection with consciousness, the quantum field, parallel realities and dimensions and the true existence and nature of the E.T. races.This lead Marina to developed a true understanding and education about the nature of our existence guided by the Hybrids. They also taught her how to detox her body, and now Marina Jacobi is on a Raw vegan/juicing diet.Before 2012, she was connected by RA that taught her higher level of teachings and the changes of the planet Earth. She was also c