
82: Stress-proofing, with Matt Drance



Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (trust us!), Ronda Rousey, keynotes, driving really fast, hacking cars, screen time for kids, and what makes Georgia Dow so lethal. Also with Rene Ritchie and special guest Matt Drance. Show notes Smash Gyms BJJ Ronda Rousey Rickson Gracie Matt Drance: What The Race Track Taught Me About Software Development Stay there, I just lost my starboard engine Car hacking risk may be broader than Fiat Chrysler: U.S. regulator In-Car Entertainment - Chevrolet Malibu 4G LTE WiFi TV Commercial Overcoming video game addiction in children Airplane Mode podcast Hosts Matt Drance Georgia Dow Rene Ritchie