No Barriers

Ethan Johnston: A Blind Man's Journey from Ethiopia to the U.S.



As a young boy, Ethan Johnston was kidnapped from his family in Ethiopia, blinded and used as a beggar. Fortunately, at age 10 he was adopted by a family in the United States. He faced numerous emotional, physical and cultural barriers, including slowly learning not only English but English Braille. He found sports, including baseball, which became an outlet and passion. Despite the hardships he faced in his younger years, he is thriving in America. Always determined, he finished college, found employment, and lives by the motto, “Wanting it won’t get it for you, you have to go get it!” Ethan (Esubalew) Johnston applied and was chosen for a Reach scholarship in 2017 to come to a No Barriers Summit in Squaw Valley. Over the four days he became well-known to everyone for his huge smile and his enthusiasm. He is a vibrant, funny, outgoing individual. The struggles Ethan has faced seem unbelievable juxtaposed to such a thriving person, but hearing Ethan’s story of resilience it becomes clear that he has worked ve