Chapel Bell Curve

32.2 - National Championship Fan Check-in



Hey There Chapel Bell Curve listeners, we have a very special episode here for you today. While Nathan is off in Atlanta preparing for the National Championship game with the Redcoats, I’m here eagerly anticipating the NCG kickoff. I’ve had the opportunity to occupy my time with a few interviews with friends and fans of the podcast. You’ll hear from a few different kinds of fans today. Kinds that come from different communities, background, and even generations. Shannon is a newer fan that had chance to use football as a way to stay close to her family while they were physically distant. Ryan is a data analyst and avid r/cfb blogger. And Sara tells tales of what Bear Bryant was like and how growing up near Tuscaloosa in the 40's has shaped her into who she is today. Thanks again to all our awesome guests of the show. Until next time, we'll catch you in Atlanta at the Mercedes Benz Stadium for the National Championship Game. And as always, Go Dawgs. 1:25 - Shannon Vinson 15:20 - Ryan Nelson 32:28 - Sara Huff