Chapel Bell Curve

2.11 - Go easy on them, they're just volunteers: Tennessee Preview



Hey there, it's your buddies Nathan and Justin, just here to remind you that football is cool. It's cool that for 4.5 months out of the year we get to absolutely lose our minds every weekend when a bunch of teenagers & 20 somethings chase each other around a field of grass for a couple of hours. It's cool we have the privilege of geeking out so hard about something you cry, good or bad. And it's cool that we all get to do it together. Thanks for being you, and thanks for listening to our show. Anyways, here's the Tennessee Preview. Click here to follow along with Bill Connelly's S&P+ Numbers If you like what we do, consider throwing a dollar our way through our patreon! Yell at us on Twitter Nathan Lawrence - @NathanJlawrence Justin Bray - @TheJustinBray