Movie Oubliette




Conrad and Dan try not to get deja-vu as they watch a rag-tag bunch of futuristic soldiers on an alien planet battling bio-mechanical monsters, discovering a pre-pubescent kid clutching a toy is the only survivor, and getting to the escape ship only to realise there's one more monster to kill! No, it isn't Aliens – it's Screamers (1995). It stars Peter Weller as a grizzled philosophical man of war, Jennifer Rubin as a black market trader who greets people by stripping and sponge-bathing in front of them, and Andy Lauer as a solider called 'Ace'. Based on a Philip K. Dick story and a screenplay by Alien co-writer Dan O'Bannon, this has a serious pedigree – but should it be allowed aboard the escape ship or should it be eviscerated by semi-autonomous buzzsaws? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Support us on Patreon to nominate future films and access exclusive bonus content