Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Printing in Asia, Pros and Cons, with guest George Dick



George Dick, president of Four-Colour Print Group, talks about all the reasons you might want to print your next book in Asia, especially if it’s in color or for kids Many publishers of full-color books—coffee-table books, art books, cookbooks, children’s books – choose to print in Asia because printing costs less there. But cost may not be the only consideration. Topics include the future of printing in Asia (hint: pretty good) the shrinking of the Asian cost advantage vs North American printers is it freight from China that’s getting more expensive? how about other factors, like new equipment, higher wages, and environmental regulations is Chinese printing less “green”? will Chinese printers accept material that is “objectionable” in terms of politics or sex? how about Korean printers? how much longer will it take to get your book from Asia than if your print in North America? printing in Asia is cheaper, but if you use a print broker do you lose some of that savings? what are the advantages of working wit