National Center For Women & Information Technology

Interview with Elaine Wherry



Audio File:  Download MP3Transcript: An Interview with Elaine Wherry Co-founder, Date: June 19, 2007 NCWIT Interview with Elaine Wherry BIO: Elaine Wherry is co-founder of and responsible for meebo's product development. meebo provides free web-based instant messaging to all of the major network services and records approximately 1.5 million logons per day. Elaine grew up on a goat farm in southwest Missouri and then migrated west to California where she majored in Symbolic Systems at Stanford University. After graduating, she became the Manager of the Usability & Design team at Synaptics and joined forces with Seth Sternberg and Sandy Jen in 2005 to co-found Lucy Sanders: Hi. This is Lucy Sanders. And I'm the CEO of The National Center for Women in Information Technology. And this is part of a series that we're doing with just outstanding women IT entrepreneurs. Today we are talking to Elaine Wherry, the co‑founder of Larry Nelson is here with