Tander Chats

Tander Trips - The benefits of working from home



The pandemic has forced us to do all kinds of new things for the sake of adapting to the "new normal". One of those things that was most impacted was the way we work. Working from home is not really a new concept, but for the most of us, is something new to experience. How is your WFH life nowadays? This is what we discuss in today's episode! Our main talking points for this episode: Have you been working from home even before the pandemic started? What was the biggest change when shifting to working from home? Have your working habits improved? Do you enjoy working from home rather than in the office? What do you think are the hesitations of employers for letting employees work from home? How to improve the working conditions of a WFH setup? Make sure to visit Toggl.com to learn more on the tool that Rico talks about in this episode! https://toggl.com/ If you want to leave us a message or interact with us, you can leave a like on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanderChats Tander Chats Music Credits