Wondering Wednesday

What to do About Toddler Trouble?



In this episode, Donna Reish, author of the “Raising Kids With Character” parenting seminar and fifty curriculum books for homeschools and Christian schools, answers parents’ questions about toddlers. This is a follow up to Donna’s “What to Do With a Wonderful One Year Old” episode. In this episode, Donna gives you two tests to consider in dealing with problems with fifteen to thirty-six month old toddlers-one test for you (the car seat test) and one test for your toddler (the high five test). Donna also tackles many toddler behaviors that you want to stop, including slapping, hitting his head on the floor or crib, saying no, throwing food, getting into things, throwing fits, not coming when called, and not eating/getting enough “real” food. (For information about Character Ink’s seminar terminology and phrases, listen to this podcast episode. For more about toddlers, listen to this podcast episode.)