Know Pain, Know Gain

106: How TikTok Could Get You Back In The Marketing Game with Kate Pintor



“It builds trust for people to see an entire human being in terms of coaching and in that particular industry.”-Kate Pintor   In this episode, I sat down for an intriguing interview with Kate Pintor, Marketing Synthesist, and TikTok Expert. Kate helps her clients build strong leadership and work culture that thrives. Kate and I talk about all things TikTok and why entrepreneurs should start considering this platform as an innovative business strategy. This conversation resonates a lot with me, not only because it made the headlines lately, which makes it all the more intriguing, but also because as entrepreneurs, we are always looking for ways to authentically build a connection with the people we serve. And TikTok is apparently moving forward to serve that very purpose. While TikTok swiftly invades the social media space, others remain skeptical about it. Today, Kate talks about why entrepreneurs hesitate to utilize TikTok for their marketing and how to turn those hesitations into motivations instead. Kate a