Know Pain, Know Gain

108: Beat The Naming Challenge! -How to Create Brandable Names That Will Get People To Sign Up with Holly Chantal



“The name isliterally like an address. It has nothing to do with the results you're delivering. Focusing on messaging is definitely more important than just the name.” -Holly Chantal   What’s in a name? This week, I am joined by Holly Chantal, a Business Integrator and Brand Strategist. You may remember Holly from Episode 059 where we talked about business experiments. And today, I’m excited to have her talk about that one thing that gets us pulling our hairs out for- brand naming. Of course, we want a name that can do the marketing for us and can represent exactly what we stand for. But sometimes, our brain just isn’t excreting enough creative juices for that. It’s about time to take that pressure off of our shoulders and learn from an expert. Today, Holly comes to the rescue with her signature brand naming methodology, Trailblazing Trifecta. She also gives valuable pointers on determining when is the right time to start thinking about your brand name, what makes a good brand name, and whether you have a goo