Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

191 Haviv Rettig Gur on the UAE/Bahrain Deal



Sure it's great news. But why are the U.A.E. and Bahrain normalising relations with Israel now? What message are they sending to Israel when the mention the Palestinians? How does all of this play out in the culture and politics of the region? How will the imminent U.S. elections affect the Middle East? The always insightful Haviv Rettig Gur explains his perspective to Alan and Mike. Join us! Haviv at Times of Israel Haviv at Mosaic Makom Israel Teachers Lounge is a weekly podcast produced by Matt Lipman, and hosted by Michael Unterberg and Alan Goldman. Makom Website Facebook page Please subscribe, listen to more episodes, and let us know what you think! We are happy to take topic requests and questions. And please rate and review us on Apple. Recommend us to friends.