Climate Monitor

Global offshore wind industry takes huge strides



In 2009, Al Gore, writing in his book “Our Choice,” presented an optimistic vision of wind power, and how it can be harnessed in the race to save us from the degrading effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Mr. Gore explained that wind farms, with multiple windmills, can be added on a scalable basis. He described how windmills can be built, and installed, within 2 months. With low maintenance and long durability, a compelling case was made for wind energy, especially ocean-based wind turbines, where winds are usually stronger than on land. In this episode of Climate Monitor, we present a report entitled, Global offshore wind industry takes huge strides, by Paul Brown of the Climate News Network. This episode contains his August 12, 2020 report from London, and shows how far the industry has advanced since Mr. Gore's book.   This report was published by the Climate News Network, which can be found at The Climate News Network is a free and objective service publishing a daily news sto